
Website seeks to catch immigration law firms dodging foreign-worker rules

posted on May 22, 2014

By Lee-Anne Goodman, the CTV News | Link to Article

By Lee-Anne Goodman, the CTV News | Link to Article

A website devoted to documenting abuses of the temporary foreign worker program is on the hunt for immigration law firms that might be willing to help employers dodge rules that require them to hire Canadians first.

Operators of the website, which maps and identifies businesses that hire temporary foreign workers, posed as a company called Big Jimmy’s Construction and sent an email to a number of law firms specializing in immigration issues.

In the email, “Jimmy” says he wants to hire a Thai family member, but has been flooded with interested Canadians after posting the job on the federal government’s job bank — a necessary step for those seeking to hire temporary foreign workers.

“I made the qualifications as strict as possible and kept the salary as low as possible to discourage Canadian applicants. But I ended up getting 100s of resumes!” the email says.

“Do you think you could help me get an LMO (labour market opinion) even though I have 100s of Canadians wanting that job?”

One of the replies, which the site says was sent by someone at the firm of Toronto-area immigration lawyer Adela Crossley, came as a surprise to the website’s founder, Rohana Rezel.

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