Essential facts about the census
By Tara Carman, Vancouver Sun | On Monday, Statistics Canada will start sending out census letters and packages. One in four households will receive the newly restored long-form census. Here’s … Continued
By Tara Carman, Vancouver Sun | On Monday, Statistics Canada will start sending out census letters and packages. One in four households will receive the newly restored long-form census. Here’s … Continued
By Douglas Todd, Vancouver Sun | Gayle Swain often hears how “amazing” it is that not only she, but her parents, were born in the city of Vancouver.
By Bruce Campion-Smith, Toronto Star | Just a day after taking office, the Liberal government announced Thursday that the mandatory long-form census — axed by the Conservatives in 2010 — … Continued
By Michael Adams and Kathy Bullock, Globe and Mail | On any given day, Canadians might wake up to a range of news related to Muslims in Canada.
By Marc and Craig Kielburger, the Phoenix Star | As a young theatre student, Lorne Cardinal dreamt of performing Shakespearean plays at Ontario’s internationally renowned Stratford Festival. An older actor … Continued
By Giuseppe Valiante, Toronto Star | Although the Apkarians have never stepped foot in Sutton, Que., they are among the most popular and discussed people in the bucolic resort town … Continued
By CBC News | A group of predominantly immigrant workers who help unload produce and have set up a picket line outside Toronto’s main food distribution facility are simply trying … Continued
By Tara Carman, Vancouver Sun | High housing prices have meant Syrian refugees in Metro Vancouver have had a harder time finding permanent housing than those who were settled elsewhere … Continued
By Daphne Bramham, Vancouver Sun | Getting from refugee camps in Jordan or Lebanon to Canada is expensive enough, but it can cost Syrian families thousands more to get from … Continued