By SurreyLIP |
In 2018, TRIEC conducted study to better understand the progress that was made in improving labour market outcomes for immigrants in Toronto. The study was conducted in the summer and fall of 2018, with a primary focus on the GTA. The methodology gathered a range of perspectives, drawn from a review of more than 60 high-quality research reports and policy documents from 2000 to 2018 and face-to-face dialogue sessions to individual interviews and an online survey.
Extract from Executive Summary:
We’ve also come to recognize in the last fifteen years that our goal isn’t just lowering the unemployment rate for immigrants – or making sure they don’t get stuck in “survival” jobs. A larger goal we all aspire to is the true inclusion of immigrant professionals in the workplace. Our research in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) found that there has been progress in many of these areas, and that there are areas where we still need to press for change.