
Soft Skills for Success for immigrants: Adaptability

posted on September 29, 2017

By Canadian Immigrant Magazine |

In this Canadian Immigrant series, we will look at the most in-demand soft skills, and how you can show them off. We started off with communication skills, business etiquette and teamwork; our fourth important skill is adaptability.

Soft skill no. 4: Adaptability

By Canadian Immigrant Magazine |

In this Canadian Immigrant series, we will look at the most in-demand soft skills, and how you can show them off. We started off with communication skills, business etiquette and teamwork; our fourth important skill is adaptability.

Soft skill no. 4: Adaptability

As an immigrant, you know what it takes to adapt. After all, you’ve been doing it since you first stepped foot in Canada. You’ve adapted to a new country, culture and even language. Being adaptable to change is also an essential soft skill to have in the Canadian workplace. Employers want employees who are flexible, willing to change and make progress. If you’re unwilling to look at new ways of doing things, you will be left behind in a labour market that is constantly changing due to demographics, the economy and technology.

Impress an employer with these eight adaptability traits.

  • Demonstrate your ability to adapt to the Canadian workplace culture by being open, working well with others and following Canadian etiquette basics.
  • Share your ideas, but be willing to bend your idea or consider alternate solutions if it does not go over well with others.
  • Listen to other people’s ideas and approaches with an open mind.
  • Don’t let surprise assignments or last-minute tasks stress you out. People who aren’t adaptable tend to become uncomfortable when faced with unexpected projects. Be willing to take on such urgent tasks for the benefit of your company.
  • When faced with change or a problem, stay calm and co-operative.
  • Don’t get stuck on the roles outlined in your job description. Things change and you may have to accept new tasks to help your fellow team members, especially in fast-paced industries.
  • Be co-operative and helpful when you are asked to take on something new. If your automatic instinct is to say “I can’t” or “I don’t have time,” you will likely be viewed as inflexible and difficult to work with. If you welcome new opportunities, you will develop a reputation as someone who is flexible. You’ll develop new skills at the same time.
  • Be willing to learn new skills and further your own professional development every chance you get.

See the other installments of the “Soft Skills for Success” series: Communication, Business etiquette and Teamwork.

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