
Ryan Jespersen Show: “Whitening” your résumé

posted on March 31, 2016


According to a new study, people are “whitening” their résumés.

Dr. Sonia Kang with the University of Toronto-Mississauga says visual minorities are noticing that they are in fact being discriminated against when it comes to landing a job.


According to a new study, people are “whitening” their résumés.

Dr. Sonia Kang with the University of Toronto-Mississauga says visual minorities are noticing that they are in fact being discriminated against when it comes to landing a job.

“We saw this happening in a couple of ways. People are changing their information on their résumé that might be obviously associated with a particular racial group. A common example we saw was people changing their name. We had a Chinese student named, Jing change their name to Jill and got call-backs after that.”

Kang says that even companies that claim to support diversity and want diverse applicants can be guilty of passing over an application that shows signs of the applicant being from a minority race.

“It’s a big shock when it came to our study. Especially when it comes to those applications where it says they support diverse employment. So we created résumés for Black and Asian applicants that varied about how much information was on them. So we either left on information that would reveal race or took that info out. Half of those jobs mentioned valued diversity. Our findings showed that résumés that were ‘whitened’ are two to two-and-one-half times more likely to get a call back than those we didn’t.”

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