
ISSofBC staff share experiences in student led documentary

posted on April 11, 2016

By ISSofBC |

ISSofBC staff share experiences working with newcomers in a student led documentary “Nation of Immigrants: Welcoming Canada’s Newest.”

Five grade 10 students from Prince of Wales Mini School filmed the documentary about our organization as part of their English class curriculum.

By ISSofBC |

ISSofBC staff share experiences working with newcomers in a student led documentary “Nation of Immigrants: Welcoming Canada’s Newest.”

Five grade 10 students from Prince of Wales Mini School filmed the documentary about our organization as part of their English class curriculum.

Lara Radovic, Julian Miller, Gavin Andison, Alice Zhang, and Jeffrey Chan, accompanied by their adviser Hayley Gauvin, education coordinator of The Cinematheque, said they were drawn to ISSofBC by information about “all the great help you give to immigrants trying to build a new life here in Canada.”

Lily Lim, Lin Meng, and Lisa Herrera spoke to the students, who are all enrolled in a district enrichment program, about ISSofBC’s mission and services.

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