
Abbotsford Community Services to open pre-arrival centre in India

posted on November 9, 2015

By Vancouver Sun

Abbotsford Community Services is opening a new office in India to help residents with visas prepare for their move to Canada.

The pre-arrival services office, called Takeoff India 2 Canada, will be located in Chandigarh, and is designed to help visa ready Indians from Punjab prepare for settlement in Canada. it will open November 9th.

By Vancouver Sun

Abbotsford Community Services is opening a new office in India to help residents with visas prepare for their move to Canada.

The pre-arrival services office, called Takeoff India 2 Canada, will be located in Chandigarh, and is designed to help visa ready Indians from Punjab prepare for settlement in Canada. it will open November 9th.

Manpreet Grewal, director of multicultural and immigrant services at ACS, said they are increasingly seeing a lot of immigrants from North India.

Grewal said the India2Canada program includes in-person meetings, webinars and workshops, and will help connect immigrants online with potential employers.

The services will also help people understand Canadian laws, the culture, geography, political systems, labour market information, housing options, school and education systems, Grewal said.

The ACS office in Chandigarh will be lstaffed by three Abbotsford Community Services employees.

Grewal said the program is funded by Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

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