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Career Readiness workshop for refugees in BC
posted on September 16, 2020

Skill Building Workshop for Refugees

Are you a refugee or a refugee claimant looking to find meaningful employment in Canada?
Do you want to find work that aligns with your previous work experience and/or educational experience?
This workshop is curated from refugee lenses and aims to enable refugees to become career ready as well as provide them with the tools to enhance their job search strategy, all by addressing common barriers to meaningful employment. The workshop will cover topics like:

Language | Accreditation | Education & Training | Resume building | Job search strategies | Business/Corporate culture | Networking | Interviewing

You will also get to know about GTLP loans to support your training and education in Canada

Date & Time: 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm | 23 September 2020

Career Readiness Workshop delivered by: Masa Kateb – Manager of Projects | Jumpstart Refugee Talent

Attendance: a link to attend, will be sent directly after your registration, please check your email ” Additional Information in Your Tickets email”

This is a joint event by Jumpstart Refugee Talent and ISSofBC Global Talent Loans Program

The workshop is targeted to skilled refugees and refugee claimants with professional backgrounds.


September 23, 2020
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

