Past Events from October 6, 2020 – December 5, 2020 – Page 8 – Get In The Know Past Events from October 6, 2020 – December 5, 2020 – Page 8 – Get In The Know

Web Conference for Internationally Educated Engineering Professionals


Canadian Immigrant and Windmill Microlending is proud to present a free one-stop web industry-specific virtual web conference series connecting newcomers with information and inspiration as you settle into your new home. Starting at 1:00pm EDT, schedule this 90-minute event into your day to learn about career development, education and aspects of settlement. Broken into three … Continued

Online Tech & IT Event


WorkBC Langley & Maple Ridge along with Langley Community Services Society are very proud and excited to host an all-day online event focusing on the Tech & IT sectors, with multiple roundtable and panel discussions and a hiring fair with at least 6 employers and more than 30 jobs EXCLUSIVE to this event! *Please note: … Continued